If you are a contractor that is required to travel to combat areas outside the United States and will require access to bases and base services. You will need to obtain a Geneva Convention Category IV compliant CAC. What is required to obtain a Geneva Convention Category IV compliant CAC? A. The individual can obtain the appropriate card from a RAPIDS site. Before obtaining a card, he or she must provide a copy of his orders for overseas (LOA) and grade equivalence. A contractor must already have been approved by the Contractor Verification System (CVS) before a Geneva Convention Category IV card can be issued. IPAs, Non-DoD Government agents and Federal Affiliates who will require a Common Access Card must have: Completed (Typed) DD Form 1172-2 which has been validated by the proper agency official who has a signature card (DD FORM 577) on file at DARPA. All blocks must be completed and if overseas privileges are required, travel orders must accompany your 1172. Applicant will sign block# 37 in the presence of the Verifying Official that issues the CAC.
My e-mail address is incorrect, how can I make the necessary correction? The DARPA CAC Office will not process a CAC if the email address on the individuals record in DEERS is not their own. Please verify that your email address is correct with your Trusted Agent prior to scheduling an appointment with the DARPA CAC office. The only circumstance where the DARPA CAC Office will update an individual's email address on their CAC will be to change it to a .mil or a .gov address.
Contractor Assistance: Contractor’s primary point of contact is their CVS Trusted Agent. Contractors are to contact their appointed CVS Trusted Agent for assistance (password resets, application completion, general questions, etc.) and not the CVS Help Desk or DSC
I need to have my PIN reset because I received an error message that my card has been locked. Schedule an appointment to have your PIN Reset at the nearest CAC office. You will be required to unlock your CAC by matching your fingerprints. If you have had trouble in the past with matching or capturing your finger prints, please have two forms of ID with you. If fingerprint override is necessary then both the VO and site SSM will need to verify your Identity with the two forms of ID.
What do you do if your CAC is lost or stolen? Report it immediately to your chain of command and or the nearest RAPIDS Site, and visit the nearest RAPIDS Site. See RAPIDS Locator at http://www.dmdc.osd.mil/rsl/owa/home.
For further frequently asked questions please click the link below. http://www.cac.mil/Faqs.html