Common Access Card (CAC)
Appointment Site


Emergency Essential: Civilian assigned Overseas accompanying the Military to the (Area of Responsibility (AOR) only - Iraq & Afghanistan).

  1. Travel Orders provided by the Continental United State (CONUS) personnel servicing agency.
  2. SF-50, Notice of Personnel Action - used to confirm a civilian's grade and affiliation.
  3. A DD Form 2365, DOD Civilian Employee Overseas EE position Agreement, ONLY for someone requesting an overseas condition. (NOTE: The DD Form 2365 should specify that the civilian is assigned overseas.)
  4. A DD Form 1172 - Application for DOD for Uniformed Services Identification Card - DEERS Enrollment. (NOTE: DD Form 1172 needs to have box item 89 annotated by the personnel servicing agency. The annotation needs to state that the civilian is designated as "Emergency Essential".
  5. Required supporting documentation specific to the country where the civilian is assigned to work.

NOTE: Civilians assigned overseas need to report the OCONUS personnel servicing agency so that they receive the required supporting documentation for their assigned work location.